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Exciting News! My blog has moved to Substack! 🎉
I’m now sharing my latest writing over at Threshold on Substack, where you can subscribe for free to get new posts straight to your inbox.
My previous blog posts are still available below, so feel free to browse through past entries. But for fresh content, make sure to join me on Substack!

2 min read
7 Standards for Friendship: Standard Three
Consistent friends are the best friends! When you have a crazy little life emergency and need someone to call, you want to know they are...

3 min read
How do we read the Bible? Hand copy it!
Hand copying scripture is as easy as it sounds, we take a passage and physically write it down. This accomplishes a couple of really...

2 min read
7 Standards for Friendship: Standard Two
I need people who can both challenge me to become the best me, but also celebrate me when I’m crushing it and not let that crush them.

3 min read
7 Standards for Friendship: Standard One
Just like dating, friendship is this awkward dance of crushing on someone because you have similar interests, thinking they’re fun to be aro

3 min read
How do we read the Bible? Journal it!
If journaling isn’t something that feels natural to you, don’t overcomplicate it. Sometimes, you might want to write out full paragraphs...

5 min read
How do we read the Bible? Meditate on it!
For me, this is where I feel that “peace that surpasses all understanding” and I’m able to rest in my Father’s arms as if He came down...

5 min read
How do we read the Bible? Pretend to be in it!
If the goal is to get to know God, think about how you build a relationship with a friend. You talk to them, get to know them, ask...

2 min read
Overcoming Fear and Saying, "Yes Lord."
When friends and family asked me, "Are you sure?" I found my mouth proclaiming the goodness of God, His faithfulness, how strongly...

3 min read
You don't have to want what other people want for you
I'm going to let you in on a little secret...You're going to disappoint people. People are going to have opinions, and a lot of the time...

5 min read
How do we read the Bible? Pray it!
Prayer is a conversation. It’s relational. It makes the Bible approachable and accessible because as we get to know God through His Word...

4 min read
Embracing our Limitations
We can embrace our limitations with God, offering all that we have as an imperfect offering, knowing that He is a God without limits...

5 min read
How do we read the Bible? Talk about it!
When we talk about scripture, we remind other people of the truth and where it’s found, but we also remind ourselves to weave scripture...

5 min read
What are we building?
The book of 1 Kings tells us a lot about generosity. Chapters 5 through 8 describe and emphasize the house Solomon built for God...

5 min read
Receiving like a Child
One commentary I read labeled this posture of childlikeness as the “absence of intellectual pride.” Kids don’t think they know better...

6 min read
What are you saying?
When Jesus was faced with the storm in the boat with the disciples, in order to calm the storm he spoke to it...

6 min read
Will it ever get better?
I think there is a pervasive lie in Christian culture. I was believing it. I think we’ve embraced lives without hope, or lives with...

3 min read
5 Books that have Shaped my Faith
There are so many incredible books to read and so many resources to learn more about God and what being a disciple of Jesus is all about.

5 min read
Surrendering Self-Sufficiency
Contentment is found when we release the pressure to be self-sufficient, when we let go of the lies about hustle and “the grind” and...

2 min read
5 Breath Prayers from Scripture
Breathing is also a symbolic practice in and of itself. God has given us breath, and the fact we are breathing and alive is a gift and speak

6 min read
Authority over Impossibilities
As adults, I think a lot of us grow out of our dreams. We start to pick careers based on a salary or pick places to live based on what’s...
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