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Exciting News! My blog has moved to Substack! 🎉
I’m now sharing my latest writing over at Threshold on Substack, where you can subscribe for free to get new posts straight to your inbox.
My previous blog posts are still available below, so feel free to browse through past entries. But for fresh content, make sure to join me on Substack!

6 min read
When she heard about Jesus...
In my interpretation, I think He’s really asking, “who are you?” Because right there in that moment, He wanted her to identify herself...

3 min read
Great Moves of God and Our Move to Tennessee
Maybe God has asked you to move across the country. More likely, He’s asking you to move in some way figuratively in your life...

7 min read
Do you feel forgotten?
People forget. People overlook our efforts or talents or potential. People pick teams based on who they hang out with outside of gym class.

4 min read
Spring Camping in Tennessee with Our Puppy!
Finley is quite the little adventurer and we are so happy about it! We can't wait for our next adventure and we are open to suggestions...

6 min read
Are you listening for God's Voice?
When learning to hear the voice of God, He has to become our best friend, our most trusted source for instruction, and the voice we are...

5 min read
What are you sowing?
When we make sacrifices with our time, when we are generous with our finances, when we plant seeds that are genuine and good, we can be...

3 min read
Meet Our New Mini Goldendoodle Puppy!
We think we’ve been doing a great job training Finley, but she thinks she’s doing a great job training us. She has been teaching us...

5 min read
Who tells you who you are?
I think the way we live our lives is shaped by what we believe about ourselves, by our identity. Our identity isn’t shaped by how we live.

3 min read
My Favorite Colorado Camping Trip
We rolled out of the wilderness in our dusty car, coated in dirt and sweat, but with lots of new memories and moments we’d look back on...

2 min read
Get into God’s Word
When you start to encounter God in His Word, it will keep you coming back again and again, because it feeds your soul.

4 min read
Books to Read during Quarantine
You’re stuck at home for weeks, what better time to start a new healthy habit or break an old bad habit?

4 min read
What is your Next Step?
God was positioned and prepared to work a miracle, but it required a first, faithful step.

3 min read
Is Your Focus the Kingdom of God?
The kingdom of God permeates the world around us. We are told the kingdom of God is here and we have access to it.

2 min read
What Does God Want From You?
Without Him, we can’t produce a thing. That’s right, not ONE thing. He says the harvest will be abundant, and He can be taken at His Word.

5 min read
Managing To-Dos Before You Say "I Do"
A few wedding seasons ago, I was attending weddings critiquing what I liked and didn’t like; I was gazing on the brides dress and...

2 min read
Our Fall Weekend in the Smokies
Jackson and I both have October birthdays, so we started an unintentional tradition of taking a long weekend trip to celebrate each...
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