When I was little I dreamt about being a writer and in my daydreams I would spend most of my time in my pajamas, and eat Twizzlers (my favorite candy at the time) while writing fiction novels.
I do spend most of my time in my pajamas, so my daydreams weren't totally off. I think we should all be glad the fiction novel part was wrong.
God took that dream and molded it into what He needed for His kingdom, and now I'm honored to contribute to the space that's "Christian living" as I ask and sometimes answer the questions that have simultaneously shaken and founded my faith.

I think God puts those big crazy dreams of ours on our hearts for a reason. And when we surrender our dreams to Him, He can use them for His glory and kingdom.
I took one faithful step of obedience toward that dream, and God used that step to put into motion what He wanted to do with my life. And guess what? I believe He can do it for you too.
I've always dreamt of writing. I spent a lot of time dreaming about writing, and not enough time actually doing it. So I committed to actually writing every day, and then I felt the Lord prompt me to share my words. As you already know, Threshold was born.
I want to pause here and look you in the eyes and say THANK YOU! Because when I say I couldn't have done this without you, I really mean it.
You are a part of this. You are a part of this dream coming to life. By hitting subscribe, by sharing emails with your friends, by showing up and telling me that something I wrote mattered to you, you contributed to this. We're making a kingdom impact. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
My habit of writing grew, I felt like I found my voice and my style, and honestly, I couldn't stop the words from coming. I still had a lot to say. Not because I was an expert, but because I was in the thick of asking and answering those questions for myself and so I did what I do when I process. I wrote it down. All 40,000 words.
Just like that, I realized I had a book tucked away in google drive. I felt young, I wasn’t ready, I was nervous, and honestly pretty scared. But I didn't just write it for me, and as terrifying as it was to hit "send" on that first email, I knew it was necessary.
God moved quickly to highlight the publishing company He had already planned for me to work with before I had even written a word. I had no plan B, I just faithfully submitted a book proposal entrusting this work to the Lord because it already belonged to Him.
A few weeks later, contracts were signed, and the hard, creative work began.
I quietly woke up early in the morning, coffee in hand and a sleepy puppy at my feet as I wrote and rewrote the words I needed, always with you in mind.
Writing, at times, can feel like a lonely journey. A lot of writing happens in my mind, which can be a solitary and lonely place. But ever since sending those emails, my writing journey has felt communal.
You're all a part of it, and as I continue to work on this book, I feel like I have the best team of supporters and encouragers behind me. I don't feel alone.
I've been eagerly anticipating telling you about this book, because I feel like you're such a big part of it. Soon, I'll share more about what it's about, what it's called, and how you can contribute to releasing this message out into the world.
But for now, I just wanted to say I'm writing my first book. Thank you, because I couldn't have done it without you.
And if you feel a tug on your heart right now, like God might be nudging you towards doing something that might feel a little intimidating, I just want to say GO FOR IT. I promise you won’t regret being obedient to God.
