In college one of my friends asked me to go to coffee to talk about something. This friend wanted to get off of campus and have a private conversation. I felt jittery and nervous as our coffee date rolled around, worried about what topic this friend wanted to get off of campus to talk about.
When we got the the coffee shop, there were people from our college campus inside, so we took our coffee to go and sat in the car. I was even more anxious wondering where this conversation was going to go, did I do something wrong?
Instead, this friend confessed there was a certain topic that had really captured her heart lately. This topic was a hot topic on our campus, and she had wanted to research the topic more and make a decision for herself about what she believed. But she didn't feel like she had the tools to do that, and she was worried about what people would think if they realized she was reading and researching about the topic.
Have you ever felt God tug on your heart and continually bring up the same word, phrase or topic?
Sometimes, when God is trying to get our attention I think He is a lot like an eager little kid poking and continually asking questions until we give in and start paying attention.
God wanted to teach that friend something, and I think He wants to teach us something too.
When I was praying about this blog for the year and thinking about what series we might do, there were so many ideas that came to mind. I often ask myself what specific role God has for me in writing this blog. How am I uniquely equipped to serve you, my reader?
I enjoy writing devos, I love poetry, I could dream up new blogs every week about any topic, really.
But when I think about what people usually come to me for, I think about that conversation with that friend.
In the car with my to-go coffee in hand, this friend trusted me to direct her to God's Word. To share with her any resources I had learned while researching for BibleGateway at school, any books I'd read in class or on my own time, any way she could find an answer to this topic that God continually brought to her attention.

I was so honored in that moment when I realized she was looking for a little direction and a few additional tools, and she thought I was someone who could be trusted to guide her in the right direction when she was curious about what the Bible said about a topic she was newly interested in.
The goal of this series is to give you a little nudge toward God. It's an invitation to pique your curiosity and to approach a topic you may have heard about since Sunday School in a new way.
It's a series meant to answer some of those, "What does the Bible say about...?" questions.

The Bible is a source for direction, it is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105). When Joshua took over as a leader to continue out God's plan for the Israelites, God instructed him on what was most important for him to succeed and said, "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." Joshua 1:8
I hope this series gives you some direction, some practical takeaways to implement in your spiritual life, and that you would walk in the way the Lord has for you, directed by His Word and accompanied by His Spirit.
Next week: "What does the Bible say about faith?"
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