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Positioning yourself in Prayer

Writer's picture: MrsMollyWilcoxMrsMollyWilcox

Scripture: "Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.” Romans 8:34

I was listening to worship music, and these lyrics stood out to me, "your name could move mountains, wherever I stand."

I immediately recognized that this lyric from Highlands (Song of Ascent) was referring to the passage where Jesus tells us that if we tell a mountain to move it will move (Matthew 17:20).

But what stood out to me when I heard the lyrics was the phrase, "wherever I stand."

Where are you standing today? Are you in a low or dark place? Or are you in a high and joyful position?

Maybe you're reading this on a stressful Monday morning, dreading your next meeting, and desperate for another cup of coffee.

Maybe you're reading this after getting exciting news in your inbox. You're in a position of celebration and you feel like you're on top of the world.

Either way, it actually isn't your position that matters.

Recently, I found myself in a position of discouragement and desperation. I needed God to move. The circumstances felt hopeless. I felt lost. I wasn't sure what my next step was, but I knew I felt like my feet were firmly planted in confusion, exhaustion, and discouragement.

I shuffled over to my couch with my morning coffee in hand ready to pray and ask God to move, again, from my disappointment. Things weren't going in the direction I wanted or hoped for. I didn't know what was next. I started to pray from that position.

In the background, that song started to play and I heard the lyric, "your name could move mountains, wherever I stand."

I believe God can move mountains for me, and for you.

I was standing in discouragement. I was standing in disappointment. I was standing in defeat.

But that didn't matter.

What mattered was where Jesus was standing. It mattered where Jesus was positioned because that is where we pray from.

Your faithful prayers can move mountains, wherever you stand. Not because of anything you have done, but because of what Jesus did.

We pray from victory not just on Easter Sunday, but every other day of the year. Because Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father, interceding for you.

He's leaning His ear, ready to listen to you this morning, wherever you stand. Because no matter what position you find yourself in, He's in a position of victory and power.

Journaling Prompts:

-Where are you positioned today?

-How can you pray from the perspective Jesus won for you, no matter where you find yourself today?

-How is praying from a position of victory different? How would this change your prayer life?

Action Step:

In seasons of celebration or in seasons of disappointment it can be difficult to remember to pray from God's position, instead of praying from ours. Write a reminder to keep in your Bible or journal to remember to pray from a place of victory.


Thank you Father for sending your Son to come dwell among us, to walk with us, and to die and rise again for us. Thank you Jesus for being seated at the right hand of the Father, interceding for me. Help me to pray with your position in mind, and to focus on your perspective and the victory you have given me. Amen.

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